2017 Curlyleaf Season About to Begin
The 2017 Minnesota curlyleaf pondweed season is primed to start! The short winter with little snow cover means a bumper crop is likely to occur. If you are a lake association wanting to treat areas around the lake, action needs to be taken immediately. Most likely, if you are not set up already or have never done a curlyleaf treatment on your lake, 2017 will be a planning year for 2018. If you have done a treatment in the past, the DNR AIS permit must be completed ASAP.
Homeowners wanting to treat curlyleaf in front of their homes still have time. Again, a permit must be applied for, but you will likely have time to get that done for 2017. There are multiple products that can be used as curlyleaf pondweed is one of the most herbicide susceptible plants out there. Aquathol liquid is the preferred product to use. Granular Aquathol Super K is the easiest to use, but has a higher cost per acre. If you have a lakeshore that is prone to wind/waves, granular may be a better product for you. Hydrothol will also work, but it is more of a broad spectrum product.
If you have any questions on curlyleaf pondweed, the correct product to use, or are a lake association wanting to get service options, please give us a call or an email.