Types of Weeds



Some algae are microscopic (Planktonic Algae), others are thin and stringy or hair-like (Filamentous Algae), while still others are large and resemble higher plants but without true roots (chara).

Free Floating Weeds


Weeds that have leaves that float on top of the water and are not attached to the bottom. Leaf shape and texture that resists tearing.

Rooted Floating Weeds


Weeds that have leaves that float on top of the water and are connected to the bottom by a stem. Leaf shape and texture that resists tearing.

Emergent Weeds


Found in the shallow water and has a large portion of stems and leaves growing above (emerging from) the water surface
  • Tolerate fluctuating water levels
  • Interlocking roots anchor sediment and reduce erosion
  • Provide great nesting material